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Week 12B: Career & Professional Development

Something I found really interesting during this course was the difficulty of developing professional certifications for such a broad...

Week 12A: Professional Ethics and Social Change

IST is not the only field to focus on social change and ethics, particularly ethics in technology, but its expansive professional context...

Week 11: History, Trends, and Issues in HPT

One major trend in HPT is the development of MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses. They represent how far technology has advanced in the...

Week 9: Trends and Issues in IT

Of all the takeaways I've received from this course, the idea of problem-solving is probably one of the most interesting conceptual...

Week 8: History of IT

The history of IST is so fascinating. I truly think that the evolution of the field over time ties directly with changing understandings...

Week 3: Instructional Development Process

I'm writing again in retrospective, and it's truly fascinating to conduct a refresher of the articles and videos assigned each week and...

Week 1B: Instructional Technology Overview

I'm back-tracking here a bit on this blog, because I must admit I've never really done much blogging and find it difficult to send my...

Week 7: Theories of Learning: Comparison

As we get farther along in this course, the evolution of theories of learning and learning principles and best practices are getting more...

Week 5: Cognitive and Constructivist Perspectives

In reading this week's articles about constructivism, I was struck by the direct correlations I saw between constructivist principles and...

Week 4: Theories of Learning: Behaviorism

I started off this week's readings with Driscoll's chapter on Radical Behaviorism, and I have to say it left a bad taste in my mouth. I...

Week 2: Instructional Systems Design

What I found most interesting in this week's array of articles was the acknowledgment and attempts at initial addressing of the tensions...

Week 1A: Thoughts on John Dewey's Pedagogic Creed

John Dewey's Pedagogic Creed, a series of articles published in 1897, has an astounding connection to teaching principles in this...

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